is the the first internet service of its kind. It combines a games server, a chat server, and a dating website, all in one. is available on any computer with Java installed: Windows, Mac, Unix, and more. There is also a program for Android, which you can find in the Android market. All these programs are totally free of charge.
Create a free account, and join our online comunity. You will be able to play the games available. You will be able to join the chat rooms, and to send instant messages. If you are aged 18 or older, you will also be able to use the meet features and the people search engine.
When you use, you are not forced to explore all its possibilities. There are options you can set in order to play with your friends and not meet other users. There are also options you can set in order to block incoming messages. But if you want to, you can enjoy all the services has to offer you.