Moderation rules for moderators.
Why are you a moderator ?
First, read the rules.
You must force everyone to obey these rules. This is why you are a moderator.
How to punish a user: Click the user's name. In the menu, select moderation.
Warning: It just sends an informational message. You must provide a meaningful reason.
Ban: Exclude him from the server for a certain duration. You must provide a meaningful reason.
Erase profile: Delete the picture and the text in the profile. Only if the profile is inapropriate.
Porno picture: Use this button if you see a porno picture on a member's profile. Do not do anything else!
Do not abuse of your powers.
The reason and the length are the only things that the user will see. Choose them with care.
If a user asks who is the moderator who banned him, do NOT answer, because it is a secret.
You are not better, nor superior to anyone. You just have access to several buttons.
Do not abuse of your powers! Moderation is a service to the members, not a tool for megalomaniacs.
We record every decision you make as a moderator. Everything can be monitored. So if you abuse, you will be soon replaced.
Reasons for moderation. Do not use a random reason when you punish someone.
Rudeness: Swearing, insults, etc. The person who started it must be punished, and only the person who started it.
Spam: Advertising in an exaggerated way, asking for votes repeatedly, speaking the wrong language in the wrong room, etc.
Flood: Prevent others from talking by sending repeated and unnecessary messages very quickly.
Threats: Physical threats, or threats of computer attack.
Harassment: Attacking always the same person repeatedly, for no apparent reason.
Sexually offensive: Ask who wants sex, who is excited, who has large breasts, bragging about having a big dick, etc. Please be particularly severe with people who enter a room and talk directly about sex. Needless to prevent because they are already notified automatically by entering.
Privacy violation: Posting personal information in chat or forum: Name, phone, address, email, etc.. Warning: It is allowed in private.
Outlaw: Something that is prohibited by law. For example lying about his age at registration, encourage terrorism, sell drugs, etc. If you do not know the law, do not you use this reason.
Alert abuse: Send unnecessarily profile-alerts.
Complaint abuse: Complain about a ban improperly.
If you do not find an appropriate reason, then the person did not break the rules, and it should not be punished.
In the program's menu, you can view the history of the moderations.
You can also view the users complaints here.
You can cancel a moderation, but only if there is a good reason. You must explain why.
Profile alerts:
From the menu, you can see the list of alerts for profiles.
In order to ensure that the same profile is not checked by two different moderators, you have to follow a procedure.
First, click "handle" to inform other moderators that you are going to handle this alert.
If you receive an error message, stop handling the alert and let another moderator do it.
If the profile of the user is opened, then you are in charge of this alert.
Check the profile, and if you see a sex picture or an illegal text, take the appropriate measure.
When you're done, go back on the alerts page, and click "valid?". Answer yes to the question if the alert was justified,
and answer no to the question if it was not justified.
How to judge if an alert is justified ?
Porno picture: Click the button "porno picture". Do not do anything else. Mark the alert as justified.
Someone writing on his/her profile that he/she lied on his/her birthdate: Maximum ban, up to permanent if you have access to this feature; the reason must be "Outlaw". Mark the alert as justified.
All the other alerts must be ignored and flagged as illegitimate.
If a user sends a lot of unjustified alerts, punish him with the reason "Alerts abuse".
How to judge if a picture is pornographic ?
Do you think that this person would dare to show the picture to her mom ?
Do you think that this person would dare going out in the street like this ? Or on the beach ? Or in a night club ?
The criterias used on are the criterias for occidental countries like usa, spain, france, etc.
Permanent bans
Do not ban people permanently. Unless there is a very good reason.
Someone has a blue or pink nickname, and wrote on his profile that he is less than 18 years old, or he has lied about his age.
Someone has a blue or pink nickname, and wrote on the forum that he is less than 18 years old.
In this case, always delete the forum post with the reason 'OUTLAW'.
The user has a very offensive nickname, like fuck-you-all, or i-suck-your-pussy, or iamhorny.
The user has sent a sex photo on the forum.
There is no other reason to ban someone permanently. Unless for exceptional reasons. Exceptional reasons are rare!
You should ban people for 1 hour, no more. Ban more than 1 hour only if the user is a repeated offender.
If you always ban people for long lengths, it's because you have a psychological problem. The admin will notice it and he will remove you from the moderators.
Moderation of the chat rooms list:
You can delete a chat room if its name is sexual or offensive. This button is not a toy, and your decisions are recorded. If you delete chat rooms for playing, you will be punished severely.
Moderation of the forum:
You can delete a post. If the message is offensive.
You can move a topic. If it is not in the correct category.
You can lock a topic. If the members are fighting, and if the situation is out of control.
You can delete a topic. This will delete all the messages in the topic.
You can see the moderations logs from the menu.
You can cancel a moderation, but only if you have a good reason.
Moderation teams & chiefs:
Each team has one or more persons responsible for the moderation.
Moderators have level 0, and chiefs have level 1 or more.
Level 0: Can moderate. Cannot nominate.
Level 1: Can moderate. Can nominate someone with level 0.
Level 2: Can moderate. Can nominate someone with level 1 or 0.
Level 3: Can moderate. Can nominate someone with level 2 or 1 or 0.
Chiefs are responsible for the moderation, and also for people in their team.
A chief can nominate a new moderator in his team, by selecting the level 0 or more.
A chief can delete a moderator from his team, by selecting the level "none".
It's the chief's responsability to nominate several moderators, and to make sure that his chat room is always monitored: 24/7.
A moderator cannot be younger than 18 years old.
It's the chief's responsability to check the moderations logs and statistics for his team, and remove moderators who abuse of their powers.
If you can't see the moderations logs properly, turn your phone horizontally.
The chief of the moderation must control the chat, and the forum too. He is responsible for everyone speaking his language.
If the chief nominates someone with the level 1 or more, it includes the possibility to nominate other moderators.
So chiefs must be very carefull if they do this, and nominate with level 1 only people they trust.
For the moment, the levels are organized like this:
Level 100: Owner.
Level 98: Administrator. Must control all the moderators.
Level 2: Team leader. Must control the moderators for the team's language.
Level 1: Experienced moderator. Maximum = 3 per team.
Level 0: Moderator.