Rules of the game: Pool.

The rules of this game are the rules of 8-ball pool.

A bit of strategy:
1) The game of pool is a game of attack-defense. The beginers always want to score, but it is not always the correct movement. Sometimes, it is better to defend. There are two ways to defend: You can place the white ball where the opponent will have a difficult movement. Or you can snook your opponent. Snook is realized by placing the white ball behind your balls, so that it is impossible to shoot a ball directly from there. The opponent will probably make a fault.
2) If you can't put your ball into the hole, shoot softly and try to closer your ball from the hole. Your next movement will be victorious.
3) It is important to think about your second movement. Use the spin in order to place the white ball in a particular spot, so that you can score several times in the same turn.
4) The beginers always want to shoot very hard, hoping to get lucky. But it is not always a good idea. Because you can accidentally pocket the black ball into a hole, or the white ball.
5) Make plans. Every time you play, you must have a plan. This makes the difference between beginers and experts. This is an example of plan: I will put this ball into the hole, then I will place the white ball here, and finally I will snook my opponent.

How to play?
When it's your turn to play, you must use 4 controls.

If your opponent makes a fault (SCRATCH), place the white by clicking on the table, and then validate the position using the button.

Remember you can set the clock parameters in the game options.